Spanish Pavilion Dubai


Spanish Pavilion Dubai is a project I implemented for the company The Others and the Spanish government. It consists of a set of immersive installations located in the main hall of the Spanish pavilion at the 2021 World Expo in Dubai.

The project features 3 interactive floors and a large-format video mapping projection on a model of a tree. In front of the projection, there are tablets where visitors can answer questions about sustainability. The responses, whether positive or negative, affect the content throughout the space, including lights and immersive installations.

The installations I programmed for this space include: an interactive ocean floor with fish exhibiting flocking dynamics, two forest-themed floors (one located at the base of the tree, with interactive roots that retract) and the projection on the tree model, which reflects the health of the environment based on the public’s responses.

Spanish Pavillion Dubai Urbez Capablo
Spanish Pavillion Dubai Urbez Capablo
Spanish Pavillion Dubai Urbez Capablo
  • Date: October 30, 2021
  • Categories: ExpoFloor&WallsInstallation
  • CLIENT Spanish Government, The Others
  • VENUE Dubai Expo